Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Some have already gone home for the holidays and others will be on their way this week. We won't post a message this week, but we wanted to tell you to be safe and have a blessed holiday with your families. Enjoy this song and we'll talk next week!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What's on your mind?

This week we want to prepare our hearts for the upcoming season of Christmas. I know it's not yet Thanksgiving, but we want to begin to be thankful for the things God has done in our lives.

As you listen to this song, think about the words uses to describe God and Jesus. As you listen to the song answer this question, Why should you be thankful for the gift given to us by Christ? Answer it and then Let's talk.........

Passion Ministry

I know it's not Easter and that seems to be the only time we share the Passion of Christ. However, as we prepare to have Thanksgiving with our family and friends, I thought it was important for us to really examine what we are thankful for.

If you have accepted Christ as your savior then Christmas and Easter are holidays that you can look forward to because of who you belong to. If you have not accepted Christ as your savior, I want you to take a real look at this video and realize that all Jesus is going through is done for you.

As believers we need to remind ourselves of the ugliness of what our sins did to Christ. And when we do, we should want to live for him with our whole heart. Today after you watch the video and listen to the music video tell us what this videos makes you think about or feel. Let's talk....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What's on your mind?

This weeks lesson is on being of a good courage. Listen to this song, how can you find encouragement? What does this song tell us about finding encouragement in God? What can you share that might help someone else find encouragement?

Let's Talk.......

Be Strong and of a Good Courage

This week Minister Tracy Burkins finishes his third in his series of messages. The scripture reference for this week is from the book of Joshua.

Joshua 1:1-9 is the scripture reference for this week.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What's on Your Mind

When you hear this song along with listening to the message for today, what do you think is the message for us today? The battle is not yours, then whose is it? Who will fight your battles? What do you think? Let's Talk.....

Three Hebrew Boys

Minister Tracy Burkins shares with you this week from the Bible about the three Hebrew boys.

The scripture references are:

Daniel 3:1-18

Listen this week and find encouragement in knowing that God is able to take care of whatever it is you face.