Sunday, September 19, 2010

What's On Your Mind?

I used this song before as the music, but I felt a need to present this song again. As you listen to this song today, I pray that you listen to the words and allow them to speak to your heart. Can you begin to count what things God has done for you? Yes, I know sometimes things go wrong and it gets discouraging. Put I want us to stop and begin to count what good things has been done in your life and if there are anything good, then begin to praise him for what he has done.

I pray today that as you listen you would begin to experience a new walk with God. I pray that any that listen to this song and to the message today, would begin to experience a new walk, a new hope in Christ Jesus.

I'm praying for every person that listen this week, that God would begin to create such a spirit of praise that you would begin to experience a new work in your life. Amen. Share what new thing God is doing in your life. Let's talk....

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