Sunday, January 31, 2010

What's on Your Mind?

I hope you have had a wonderful time away with friends and family over the holiday. We are now into the second month of of the year. Can you believe how fast it is going? This week I want you to listen to this song, Grateful by Hezekiah Walker. This song sets the mood for our lesson this week.

Did you know that if you have a grateful heart, you prepare yourself to receive from God the many blessings he has for you? Did you also know that an ungrateful heart turns into an ungrateful life? When that happens you allow that attitude to set up in your heart and it keeps you from being able to receive what God has for your life.

Therefore, this week what things are you grateful for? Share them this week and let's talk.....


  1. I am Grateful for the breath of life, Also I am grateful for strength. He is not done with me yet. I thought maybe I would share this with you. I grew up in Church my family started the church i grew up in. I learned Gods word, I had knowledge and that was it. When graduated from High school that ended. I was in and out of church. I had a God in the box kind of relationship, only seeking him when it was necessary 1997 I knew I needed him in my life, and I had change of heart I wanted more. I knew God loved me and thanks to prayers from my family, God drew me back in slowly. In 1999 I was diagnosis with a Brain Tumor, non-cancerous, surgery done, everything went well. I continue in church learning growing, slow but growing, was becoming complacent, August 2008 I was again diagnosis with a Brian Tumor this time I did nothing until December 20th when a seizure sent me to the hospital and they discover the tumor had grown it again was on my rightside affecting my leftside and I needed surgery again. The tumor had grown so large that it also took my mobility to my entire leftside I was paralized, Doctors could not explain why and how the tumor grew back. I have my own thoughts, In January 2009 surgery was done and I was sent to a rehab hosiptal for therapy to regain my mobility, God healed me I have regained my mobility and I am back at work. Most people think because of the surgeries that I would be mentally incapacitated, But No, my coworkers are amazed, I am not, I am blessed, I work for school bus company in their Special Needs Division. They consider me a walking resource book. It a God given capability. I am 55 years of age and I will admit sometimes I do forget things. That's why Iam grateful for Breath of Life. He is not yet done with me. God has laid on my heart the beginning of the year these 3 Passages Ps 121; Ps 1; Matt 6:33 And A Song Titled My Help by Reisa Young & Choir. Thank You Sorry For such a long Comment

  2. No need to say you are sorry. I pray that someone reading this will understand how important God really is. We can all go along and become comfortable in what we are doing. God allows those difficulties to come our way so that he can help us really see our need for him. I pray God's continued blessings upon your life and your willingness to share who you are. May a heart be moved, be encouraged and touched through your testimony. For it is by our testimonies that others are encouraged and healed. Amen.
